Norwegian violinist, motivator, and podcast host Aja Humm invites experts in their field to talk about their inside and outside work and what leads to their long-lasting successes, wealth, health, and a deep appreciation of life itself—episodes in Norwegian and English. Aja will also create specially designed meditations for a peaceful mind made just for you Enjoy! ☺️

Saturday Feb 01, 2025
Saturday Feb 01, 2025
Natasha Swerdloff is living in a beautiful house outside of Copenhagen and has a background as an NLP trainer, Psychotherapist, Copenhagen Business School, Systemic tests and more. She has run her own successful business for the last 23 years now.
In this podcast we cover;
Where do great results come from?
How does the mind work?
It has to do with seeing for yourself that who you are in essence is not your thinking or your role or your beliefs about yourself.
Everything that you think is your identity is your thoughts. It’s not who you really are…
The more you are engaging yourself in thinking, it is almost like you are covering up who you really are…and then that does not come out…
Your true potential is lying in seeing your true nature.
Today I should be called “the pointer”…!
Your true nature IS effective, taking ownership, productive, joyful, compassionate with other people when I am not covering who I am with my thinking…
The secret of how to take ownership.
Finding your true self is also finding your personal power and what you are in the world to create.
What to do when you are in a job you don’t enjoy?
Thinking is good for 3 things:
- They see their thinking has been covering the joy.
- Thinking is good to first discover how the mind works.
- Thought is great just for celebrating life. Planning trips, get things done etc.
Thinking is a beautiful tool, but often we misuse it and it gets dark…
Real-life story…Female Manager.
..Experience life as it is with ought getting in your own way!
What happens when you are only present in the now?
Wisdom in Business is really our common sense and not all the time listen to our inner chatter, rather just letting it be.
Is it too good to be true?
It is heartwarming to see that people can live much fuller lives, much easier lives.
Side effects in personal life too…
Real life experience with a bank investor and what happens to him.
From being a bullying and being forced coaching (or getting fired) to seeing something totally new.
The rubber ball effect and the secret to the end of stress…
Natasha’s cool train metaphor!
How to become more efficient.
“I have a deadline today”…etc…
How to deal with Danish Business People (or any other nation) ;-)
We all want the same thing….every single person in the world wants the same thing.
Natasha’s book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Coming-Home-Uncovering-Foundations-Psychological/dp/153280783X
Website: http://swerdloff.dk
My website: ajahumm.com
Do you like to work with me? Send me a note on: ajahumm@me.com
LinkedIn:Aja Humm

Thursday Jan 23, 2025
Thursday Jan 23, 2025
Have you ever feared losing your job/money/house/partner/kids? Then you are NOT alone.
Catherine Casey was interviewed by Podcast host Aja Humm in TuneInLabs.
For questions or if you would like to work with Aja, please email her at aja@tuneinlabs.com
LinkedIn: Aja Humm
Catherine is currently implementing a Resiliency Program in Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, San Jose, CA, one of the largest public hospitals in the United States.
Many of the environments that Catherine has worked with include:
Fortune 500 Corporations, i.e.: Dow Chemical, BAE Defense Systems, Chlorox, Boston Scientific. Medical Centers, State and County Government, Adult and Juvenile Criminal Justice Systems (including San Quentin Prison), Educational Institutions( Elementary through College), Psychiatric Residential Facilities, Addiction Treatment Programs.
Catherine’s passion and vision are to reignite the resiliency and wisdom in all persons in any environment.
Catherine currently lives in San Jose, California.
The Bag Lady effect:
My worst fear: End up as a bag lady out on the street, under the bridge like a bag lady.
Now I just know I would end on my feet.
We all have this capacity to land on our feet and be resilient.
Imagine the weight you are carrying around with all this fear.
When my fear about my son vanished, it was such a different energy.
“I have to worry about my son”
“I need to worry”
That takes a lot of mental energy.
Like a fish in the water.
We don't see how much stress we are in/so much thinking.
Trust you have the presence, so you know what is important.
It's more realizing that you are not present.
Thought and feelings are connected.
Mental multitasking-your mind is somewhere else.
We are all caught up in our little worlds.
I would want me, brain sergeant, to be as present as possible.
It’s all about where your mind is. 100%
Coping takes a lot of mental energy. Rather “I just have too much going on in my mind right now…”
The source of my experience comes from the inside.
I was good at getting things done.
“This job is stressing me out” and then I would change my job.
It was where my mind was, not the job. The joke was on me. Like chasing my tail.
Sheryl Sandberg “Lean In” All the stuff you have in your head is holding you back.
You are sitting on limitless capacity, wisdom.
Fearless. You have the capacity to figure things out. You are OK with making mistakes.
Being fearless is going flat on your face and then brushing off the dust and getting up again.
I called in the Director of nursing in the Hospital after the head of the department had committed suicide.
“What do you want for your nurses?”
What happens to nurses that they get less resilient.
Fearless: confidence and certainty that you will bounce back!
Listen from a different place.
For yourself:
Notice in a conversation if you are in your own mind or listening to them. Does your mind
How often do you let somebody just speak with ought “doing” anything? Wait even with asking a new question. That gives you connection and impact.
Had to come “out of Cathy”.
Don’t assume you understand. Ask “what do you mean ex. about anxiety”.
What happened to the businesswomen that were scared of ending up on the street..?
If you see that state of mind is running the show it will have a huge impact in your life.
Don’t worry about your state of mind as much as you APPRECIATE and have COMPASSION for yourself because that is humanity. The more we have compassion for ourselves is probably the most important thing. Then we can take care of anything outside of ourselves. That is probably the most important.
Just seeing that I am not present helps me get present.
Vil du jobbe med meg? Send en mail til:

Thursday Jan 16, 2025
Favourite Leadership Episode 💎 Robin Charbit-Invisible Power in Work
Thursday Jan 16, 2025
Thursday Jan 16, 2025
I so much treasure this interview I had with "The Englishman in Boston" Robin Charbit in his hotel room in a beautiful resort in London where we had our Business training last year.
I decided to publish the conversation one more time. Like art, we hear something new every time and I for sure do that in this interview. Robin shares key elements to keep our mental well-being even in times of resistance.
We talk about:
What is our built-in design for Success?
What is innate?
How does our mental system work?
How to be brilliant (or knowing when we are not)
It does not look the same in the morning…
We are all brilliant, but only when it “shows up”
Why there is no “doing” involved, there is no technique in this understanding of the mind
The Peace Exercise:
Think of a moment you were very peaceful
Remember what qualities were available to you in that moment
( ex. Everything is possible, feeling of love etc)
Did you make them (the good feelings) happen or did they just “show up”?
Most people say “they just showed up”, so where did they come from?
They must be innate=build in (in you).
The beating of your heart is innate (just happens)
Small kids just learn
Everything is in you, you have access. You get access when you know the way the system works.
How to get financial success
You get insights/clarity that will show you the way to go
Insight= a moment of clear understanding or A-HA moments
Our Design for Success when you need them
A new way of thinking
Example of a team that had to raise 100 billion in 7 weeks
The biggest misunderstanding is that our feelings come from the outside ex. the stock market, a difficult client, your mother-in-law
Your thinking is what causes your feelings.
Different thoughts create a different experience
To hear my voice right now in your head- that is just happening
What happens? People start to react less to stress, "difficult" situations of people etc
The more you become aware of the internal process the less you react to the outer world and the more brilliant moments you get
When the team naturally relaxes they see 10x more solutions
Same people, same target, different understanding, different results
Unbelievable results
How to “build” self-confidence (or not)
What happens when you stop scaring yourself?
Learning about how the mind works is like riding the bicycle
WD40 for the human mind
How to have lifelong success
Like learning to drive a car
If you have a leader who learn this it has a ripple effect
How a leader can operate with this understanding
No power outside can hurt me
I get curious if there is a problem
Leaders get very conscious about what state they themselves are in
Leadership tips on how to get No. 1:
Pay attention to the moments of peace
Notice what you are capable of in those moments
Notice those moments of peace and wisdom and realize that that's actually who you are
Want to learn more about our leadership trainings, please contact me on

Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Free 28 min. healing meditation body & mind from a LIVE Zoom 1:1 session 💻👉🏾😌
Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Thursday Jan 09, 2025
We can all need a bit of extra care and attention to our bodies that carry us around all day and that constantly are exposed to inner and outer challenges and stressors. 🫀
With these 28 relaxing minutes you will be able to RESET your body and mind. You can also use this episode to fall asleep at night if you have troubles sleeping or resting your thoughts. 💭 😇
I recorded this from a session with one of my dear international clients. Everything I say is done 100% intuitively and spontaneous. No script what-so-ever. 🪴
If you are interested in my work and would like to book a consultation with me, you can send me an email on aja@tuneinlabs.com and we take it from there. ✨
As always, with love and strength

Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
✔️in english 10 min morning grounding meditation to set your day 🔜 🖼
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
Honestly...This simple yet powerful visualization has transformed my grounding throughout the day. No kidding. 💎
As you go along with the images, see what intuitively comes up for you.
For me, I could not find the center of the earth (you need to do it once to follow me here..), so I really had huge insights and transformation to myself when I discovered this. Somehow, I had left my "center" 40 years ago in my birth country Switzerland.
Pretty strange, but now I understand why I somehow did not feel 100% at home in my current country, beautiful Norway...
Luckily, this changed this year and so it is never too late to see something new and beneficial in life. This counts for you too my friend! 🙏🏻
Curious to learn more and have private sessions with me?
Head me an email at aja@tuneinlabs.com
PS. You can always during the day hook your grounding cord down to the center of the earth if you feel you are somehow a bit out of balance, needing extra security, or just wanna feel and be more grounded. Experiment and you will find your way! Have fun. 🙈🔜😍

Sunday Jan 05, 2025
Sunday Jan 05, 2025
We are so happy to announce a new episode of Suksesspillen-The Pill of Success covering:
Critical People, Sensitive People: Can They Get Along in a business?
How Do You Handle Criticism?
Receiving Critical Feedback with More Understanding.
This conversation is with Sandra Krot and, as always your host Aja Humm from AH Consulting
Sandy and Insight Principles (see more below):
Our reality is real.
I forget that our reality is real all the time.
We live in separate realities.
You cannot escape your thinking.
It is going to look real på you.
All culture is agreements about how life works.
Critical people:
We get so used to our thinking that we don’t notice the feeling we are in?
We human beings get used to our feelings and become tolerant of them.
Habitual thinking that has become invisible to people.
Once you understand how your mind works you get insights that will help you.
I picked up really thick skin.
Did not notice my own critical tone.
Sensitive people also have to take a look inside and take responsibility for their own reactions.
You are not your label.
You are not your mental habit.
You cannot give critical feedback if you are not neutral.
It takes insight to change even when we desire change.
Willpower only gets you so far...
Insight takes you the whole way!
Look out for the shift in people. Not (only) the intellectual understanding.
Synergy in a team. Best to make everybody learn about the principles of how the mind works...
Cannot always get that, so:
As a leader, you can ask: Are you present, are you listening, you as the leader can just notice about what is happening in the room. Value the space and willingness to open up.
If you are not the leader you can ask: Can we take a time out? Can we listen better?
You don’t have to know and have long discussions about how your mind works.
Listening is helpful, build synergy, being present, doing one thing at a time.
We all know when our mind works best.
You can actually open the door, you can walk out and have a break/some air.
We all get lost from time to time.
When we stop learning, that is the problem.
Lots of material available to learn about the mind. Recommend tapping into that.
But the real learning will be your life.
Pay attention to our successes. Pay attention to when we DO see what is going on.
Sidney Banks: “You wanna see what is instead of what isn’t”
You wanna notice your successes.
For practitioners:
For Businesses: https://insightprinciples.com
Other resources and books:
Please contact me if you have any questions about how the understanding of the mind could elevate your business.
Best, Aja

Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
NYTTÅRSGAVE til deg 🎉. Sett dine mål for året mens du slapper av. 🙏
Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Fordi du abonnerer på min podcast, får du denne meditasjons lydfilen helt gratis i gave fra for å fylle deg med GODHET og KJÆRLIGHET og samtidig sette dine intensjoner for dette året.✨🩷✨
Studier viser at vi har 30% større gjennomføringskraft når vi kobler på alle deler av hjernen for å sette mål enten det er personlige mål eller businessmål. Vi har lettere for å se klart og lettere for å faktisk sette de målene som er bra for oss.
Hvordan skal jeg gjøre dette? Enkelt. Koble på hodetelefonene dine, sett deg behagelig i en stol eller ligg ned. Fungerer aller best uten distraksjoner i nærheten. Gi deg selv 20-25 min alenetid om mulig. Ikke kjør bil mens du hører på denne.
Tildligere tilbakemeldinger på lydfilen:
"Fantastisk lydfil. Tusen takk!"
"Du er superflink til å formidle, jeg digger stilen din"
"Anbefaler Aja på det varmeste! Rolig, generøs, varm, lyttende og oppriktig interessert i de hun samarbeider med. Svært godt faglig oppdatert. Topp!"
Har du spørsmål om tjenester eller hva vi hjelper privat personer og bedrifter med, så send gjerne en mail til aja@ajahumm.com eller se mere på www.ajahumm.com
“The subconscious mind controls 95 percent of how our circumstances manifest and our beliefs shape our lives. The power of the subconscious is about a million times greater than our conscious mind.”
-Bruce Lipton, PhD

Sunday Dec 01, 2024
Sunday Dec 01, 2024
In this episode of "The pill of Success" with host Aja Humm, you get to know why losing your job could be the best thing that ever happened to you. Also, find out what can happen to your performance at work when the mind gets more still.
Enjoy listening and please rate the podcast on Itunes, that is really helpful. :-)
My website: ajahumm.com
Contact: ajahumm@me.com
Phil Hughes writer of:
“It is all in your Mind, you know” on Amazon
Wanted to improve his Golf skills, so read:
“Stillpower” Excellence and Ease in Sports & Life by Garret Kramer
Had to do a presentation at work. Decided to just go for it and just see what happened. So it went amazing! Why? How could it have gone that well?
He found out that nothing you can experience is beyond thought. Everything comes through thought.
What in my life have I experienced that has not included thinking?
Yeah. The catch is you can’t think about it. ;-)
If your thinking is not included, how is your experience being formed/included?
DVD player metaphor
Life force-DVD player that plays the DVD
A screen where all the action takes place-consciousness
Thinking/thoughts color the pixels is the action
How do you see this work in business?
When I see what truths thoughts can form I more question the day to day “beliefs” I have at work and as my mind has gotten more and more quieter, I just don’t see as many problems as I used to before anymore.
Put your reality under the microscope and challenge the truth of it.
If this really isn’t thought created, where is this coming from? What is the basis for it?
There is only one time you can be in and that is now, there is only one place you can be in and that is here.
You are always projecting stuff.
If we all could predict the future, we would be winning the euro lottery every week and I notice we are not.
The truth is, we have no idea about how things are gonna turn out.
You losing your job could be the best thing that has ever happened to you, you just have no way of knowing.
We waste so much energy worrying about the past, worrying about the future.
How can you do more easy on your presentations?
When you have perfected your presentation, how many people is it perfect too?
Only ONE. That is yourself.
Who is really to say what is good or bad?
20 years ago I hated sushi, now I love it. Sushi hasn’t changed!
If you meet aggression with aggression it just fuels the aggression.
You are not what you “think”. You are not the content of your thinking.
You are the screen on what the action plays on.
The sun is always there even though you convince yourself otherwise. :-)
Hope you enjoyed this episode. You can also get in touch with Phil by clicking here.
With love,

Thursday Nov 14, 2024
#2 Anders Haglund-hvorfor vi blir irriterte 😡 og hva selvfølelse egentlig er.
Thursday Nov 14, 2024
Thursday Nov 14, 2024
Velkommen til andre episode av Suksesspillen der vi snakker om selve det mentale grunnlaget bak all suksess.
Vi fortsetter og gå enda mere ned i å avsløre hva som ligger bak stress og hva det er som gjør at mange sier at tennis er en lettere sport enn golf…
Er du nysgjerrig på hva jeg kan tilby deg og din bedrift? Ta en titt på min webside:
Lær mere om Anders her:
I denne podden snakker Anders Haglund om:
Kan du forklare hva det er som gjør oss redde og stressede?
Hvorfor føles det at vi “ikke kan leve uten de skoene”?
Hvordan du kan spare penger.
Samme på jobb.
Stress kan aldri komme fra to-do listen eller de menneskene du omgås, men det kan se ut slik!
Mye å gjøre-stresset eller stimulert?
Hvorfor partneren kommer hjem og blir irritert, mens andre ganger blir man omtenksom og kjærlig.
Det er noe annet som har hendt på innsiden av deg.
Fruen var irritert .
Plutselig et øyeblikk så jeg at min irritasjon var berrettiget men ikke hennes. Begynte å le.
En 2 barnspappa klikker i butikken.
Vente litt med å kaste stener i glasshuset.
Sitter alle i samme menneskelige båt, du kommer aldri bort fra å falle i illusjonen, for illusjonen er så virkelig, men kan få en annen oppfatning av illusjonen. Liten innsikten midt i situasjonen.
Satser ikke huset og livet på at du har rett.
Tar bort momsen. Tar brodden av det. Kan ha noe med meg å gjøre.
En person som er med hver gang.
Vorspiel, party og kjøttmarkedet.
Hvorfor verdens beste plass er ikke en plass.
Hva skjer når ungen heller ut et helt glass med melk?
Enda er det så vanskelig å se at dette skaper jeg fra innsiden og ut.
Hotte tips om hvordan unngå å bli utbrent.
2 alternativ, som begge leder til skillsmisse!
Vi har gått glipp av AT vi tenker.
Kjenne meg varm når partneren har det vanskelig.
Ingen sier slemme ting når de har det bra.
Fikse meg (følelsene) eller forlat meg.
Endring-når man kan le av samme sak man før trodde var dødsalvorlig.
Vi ser situasjoner klart når vi blir mentalt klare.
Trenger ikke være perfekt, men innse du er et menneske i dette her.
Hvordan nye, friske tanker kommer inn.
De beste ideene kommer når vi prøver minst å få de.
Hverdagssituasjon. Pokemon og jobbtelefon.
“Jeg hater deg”!
Hva gjør vi når unger sier slik?
Trenger ikke føle kjernevåpentankene.
Han har havnet i en tankestorm-en tilfeldige fantasi.
Hans egentlig spørsmål er egentlig noe helt annet.
Den egentlige spørsmålet: “Elsker du meg virkelig.”
“Jeg elsker deg”.
Finner du ikke veien???
Hvordan komme inn i et kvinnes hode?
Handler ikke om at du svingte feil.
3 uker med bra sex.
Kanskje jeg ikke er så perfekt. Kan jeg være meg selv da?
Er det ok at jeg viser mitt crazy også?
Elsker du hele meg også etter “intervjuet” etter 3 uker?
Det eneste problemet vi mennesker har er at det kun er midlertidige usikre tanker og ikke egentlige problem.
Det er bare tilfeldig crazy og jeg er ikke sånn.
Gamle tiders lederskap og militærleir.
Nytt: La oss skape trygghet på arbeidsplassen og se hvor det tar oss.
Den virkelige deg er den trygge deg. Da er også den crazy deg ok å forholde seg til.
Myteknuser. Fra fulle folk og barn har man sannheten. Eller?
Når vi har de usikre, negative tankene om hvem vi er, får vi dårlig selvfølelse istedenfor å forstå at fabrikks innstillingen vår er den trygge og fornøyde jeg.
Normalt er sjeldent naturlig.
Alt kaos i verden er bare et resultat av kaotiske tanker
Håpefullt: Vi kan alltid starte på nytt.
Refresh er det som skjer automatisk. Plutselig har du skiftet.
Et ego jag. Kun du er i veien for å være i balanse.
Hele du VIL tilbake i balanse.
Hvorfor det er enklere enn vi tror.
Hvordan merker du at et møte blir uproduktivt.
Hvordan finne din naturlige refresh-ta en pause.
Hemmeligheten bak hvordan vi kan oppnå refresh og high performance i sport.
Du dras alltid tilbake til sentrum helt naturlig.
Akkurat som gravitasjonen tar oss nedover mot jorden, drar også den menneskelige naturen oss tilbake i balanse.

Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Suksess uten å brenne deg ut?
Denne 38 minutters podcasten, som er den aller første episoden av The Pill of Success er sprekkfull av tips du kan ta i bruk med en gang
Anders Haglund er en av de smarteste menneskene jeg vet om og han formidler sitt budskap med humor og historier slik at læring blir gøy, spennende og ekte.
Perfekt for deg som leder og for deg som ønsker å prestere på ditt beste, samt for deg som ønsker å forstå hvordan vi mennesker faktisk fungerer på innsiden.
Her kan du lese mere om Anders http://www.lifevision.se
Her kan du få mere info om booking av seminarer, coaching og foredrag for bedrifter og private i Norge aja@tuneinlabs.com
Dette vil du høre mere om:
Hvordan løse store problemer
Hvorfor vente, når vi kan le nå?
Hvordan vite at vi er klar (mellom ørene)?
Finnes det noe bra med stress?
Ingen kan være stresset når du legger hjerte og sjel i det du gjør. Hvordan?
Tips mot stress og burn-out
5-7 "store" gjøremål pr. dag
Batmobile og definisjon på fantasi ift stress
Hemmeligheten bak stress
Stress, som ild i baken
Menneskelig latskap, eller ikke?
Hva gjør man med umotiverte medarbeidere?
Hvorfor kommer ikke det gode frem?
Hva har nervøsitet med din prestasjon å gjøre?
Hvordan få god selvtillit/selvfølelse?
Selvfølelsen finnes ALLTID lengst inne i alle mennesker
Vi kan ikke bygge selvtillit
Hvordan bli en god taper?
Vrikket foten? Vi fungerer slikt mentalt også!
Brutalt voldtatt
Lege mentale og fysiske sår
Ikke farlig å ha det dårlig
Når du ikke rekker å tenke, så redder du liv
Hør også del #2 av Anders sitt intervju her.
God fornøyelse og sett gjerne stjerner og kommentar på podden, blir kjempeglad for det!
Se mere på tuneinlabs.com